What comes next in school technologies? Some argue that the next tech that is about to establish itself in schools is Augmented Reality (AR). What is Augmented Reality. Can AR be used in Education? Read the article to find out more

An Augmented Reality app, enhances elements of reality, such as books, images or museum exhibits with additional digital information. These can be multimedia, databases, web objects, 3d images, etc.  On the contrary a Virtual Reality app or VR is exclusively based on the non-existent, 100% digital world that uses hardware to immerse the user in it.

Augmented Reality uses objects that are located physically in the real world and augments them with digital information

Uses of Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality apps are used in various fields, most notably education, health sector, industry, marketing, etc. What’s great with those apps is that they offer access to a potentially huge database of information regarding an object. Augmented reality apps enhance an object’s value since they surround it with extra information. This is what makes them great for educational purposes.

Check out this example. A simple sofa when viewed through the user’s device using an AR app, presents additional information regarding the product

Educational Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality apps offer the chance to enrich static material with a plethora of relevant information. For instance, AR apps can be used in every school concept and curricula such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, IT or Geography offering a different perspective to the learners. This way, boring text takes form, assisting in students’ interest. Those apps require from the user to possess a tablet or a smartphone. With their help the learners scan the text or an image of their book and this piece of information becomes augmented with interesting facts on the learners’ screens. Imagine a text or static 2D dinosaurs’ images, being brought to life in 3D with the help of such an application.Besides, students also benefit their soft skills. Their creativity also increases as well as their digital skills since they can be offered a chance to develop their own Augmented Reality experiences. They build on their previous knowledge, focusing on something creative and original, giving meaning to their learning.

Types of apps that are used to develop Augmented Reality experiences

Printed physical marker: The camera of the mobile through the relevant application focuses on the printed marker that exists on the real object and enriches it with digital information.

No physical marker: Those apps use an object in the environment to enable the display of augmented information, using the camera of the mobile phone.

GPS – location: Those apps use the location data of a mobile phone and present (augment) information about points of interest of the surrounding area.

All in all, Augmented Reality technology provides the user with enjoyable real-time audiovisual experiences that also help him understand abstract concepts, while helping him visualize information. It is no exaggeration to say that AR is expected to grow into school due to its huge educational potential

Author: Αλεξανδρος Παρουσινάς

Editing: Θεοδόσης Καραγεωργάκης