This week’s challenge set for the e-learning heroes community was to use Storyline’s Jump to time / cue point action to create an animation or interaction.
With the jump-to-time trigger, you can build interactions that enable learners to navigate to different times or cue points on the timeline. This is a big deal because it gives course designers new ways to turn control over to their learners.

Jump-to-time trigger. How was it used

This particular example shows how the learner can jump from one point to another by clicking the “learning objectives” tab. This activates jump-to-time triggers which show a certain cue point on the timeline. The learner can jump at different cue points, which as said before, are practically certain timings in the timeline. This enables the learner to re-visit certain information without having to view the whole slide again. 


To help you understand the transition I added narration. Do note though that in eLearning it is not recommeneded to have narration and text appear at the same time in a screen. In simple words, this happens because learners' brain messes up their focus, leading to cogntiive overload

In the screenshots below you can see what variables were used to construct the example