How great would it be if ChatGPT could help you read this lengthy PDF manual about your device? Or maybe help you uncover the key points of a lengthy research paper that you need to study. Well, ChatGPT can’t, unless you’ve got certain plugins active, but I’ve got a solution for you. This solution’s called

What can Humata do for you?

Humata will read your PDFs and then answer your questions accurately.

It’s got all that natural language processing and deep learning magic to analyse your questions and give you answers in plain English. Picture it as ChatGPT but for PDFs. Use Humata to unravel complex concepts, summarize key points, uncover connections with other similar papers, and speed up your research process.

Whether you are a teacher, researcher or even student, I assure you that Humata will be a time-saver.

No matter what kind of PDF you’ve got—textbooks, research papers, reports—Humata’s got you covered. It can even handle those crazy math equations and concepts. It’ll come back with answers that make sense, are on point, and are super easy to understand. Plus, it’ll even point you to the exact page where the answer comes from.

How does Humata work?

Humata is easy-to-use. But, if you want help discover what steps you should follow to sign-up, load your PDF file, and ask questions, check our YouTube video guide on using it.

Versions and Pricing

Humata comes in two main versions. The Free version allows you to upload up to 60 pages per month. On the other hand, the Pro version costs $14.99 per month and gives you 250 pages to work on, with every extra page costing an additional cent.

What’s great with the Pro version is that it offers a Multi-File Q&A feature. This feature allows you to ask questions across multiple documents at once. Imagine how fast you can work with this exceptional capability. The Multi-File Q&A feature is designed to help you save time and increase productivity by allowing you to chat with multiple files simultaneously. Picture how easy and fast the research process could now be. If you want to help me, please note that I’ve got an affiliate link that you can use to buy Humata Pro, earning me a 20% commission. 

So which version should you choose? Well, it depends on your needs and budget. If you are a teacher or researcher who needs to analyse complex documents, generate detailed reports, or create new content based on your files, then the Pro version is worth it. But if you just need to ask simple questions or get a general overview of your files, then the Basic version might be enough for you.

To use Humata effectively, you need to be able to ask relevant questions. But, to do so, you must avoid making the same mistakes 99% of people who use prompts do. Find out how to avoid them in this article